Bachelor ‘Degree in Jewellery Design (B.Sc JD)

Course Duration : 3 year/6 sem (Eligibility : 10+2/ PUC/ Equivalent).

Jewellerey design is the art or profession of designing and creating jewellery.The art has taken Many forms throughout the centuries, from the simple beadwork of ancient times to the Sophisticated metalworking and gem cutting know in the modern day.

The 3 year Bachelor Degree “Jewellery Design” course is developed and recognized by the Govt.University approved by UGC, AIU & DEB Under Minister of HRD Govt of India.

Course Module


The First Module Module Offers basic modules of learning to provide a History of the jewellery industry, fundamentals of Gemology, gold and other precious metals their behavior, Sketching and drawing for jewellery.with workshop these are modules, Computer fundamental with communication and soft skills are sharpened throughout the Courses.

The Second Module provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and it’ s Various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like Introduction jewellery design And designer, Elements of design, Gemology-II, Advance gold and other precious metals their behavior Computer application, drawing and sketching-II, with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development.


The Third Module Follows the innovation and understanding of new creation to enhance their professional ability with modules like Socio Economic foundation of jewellery, Advance -gemology, Gold smithing and manufacturing, Computer jewel CAD, Illustration & Rendering Techniques, Design DevlopmentFabric manufacturing, with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The Fourth Module Provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and it is various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules and study of Diamond grading and sorting, Application of metals in jewellery, Essentials of management, Advance computer jewel CAD, Technical drawing, Diamond grading and sorting gems stone identification with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development. The students undergo the compulsory1 month market survey & 1 month internship to nourish themselves with the industrial working conditions


The Fifth Module Provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and it is various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like large scale production of jewellery, Domestic and international retailment of jewellery, Export jewellery, Fundamentals of accounting, Layout methodology, with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The Sixth Module The students will be prepared for Industry internship with the analysis of best practices in the area of design and technical aspect a Provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and it is various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like Quality Control and product analysis, manufacturing and process of jewellery, jewellery marketing and merchandising, with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The students undergo the compulsory 1 month industry internship to nourish themselves with the industrial working conditions. The jewellery collection is made for the annual design show or annual exhibition and Industrial visits are also planned to give the first feel of the jewellery industry to the students. The students also undergo the industrial internship which provides them with the relevant work experience for their future careier.